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Terms & Conditions




Centerstone Capital Pty Limited ACN 656 202 854 is a corporate authorized representative of Quay Wholesale Fund Services Pty Ltd (ABN 55 647 044 602, AFSL No. 528526), limited to providing general advice and dealing in respect of a limited number of financial products to wholesale clients only. Centerstone Capital Pty Limited ACN 656 202 854, and all its related entities, (together, “Centerstone”) own and operate this website.


Centerstone does not, nor does any other person make any representation or warranty that any statement, representation, projection or forecast is true, complete or accurate, including in respect of the quality, accuracy, completeness, or fitness for purpose of any content on the website (including any website or page linked to it). Centerstone is not liable for any loss or damage however caused resulting from the use of this website (including any website or page linked to it). This website is subject to change.


The information contained on this website is general in nature. The content of this website (including any website or page linked to it) does not constitute any kind of advice or recommendation. You should obtain independent advice considering the appropriateness of the information contained on this website based on your particular objectives, circumstances and/or financial needs. This website (including any website or page linked to it) does not purport to be complete, accurate or contain all information that a person may require including to make an informed assessment of whether to deal with or invest in any fund managed by or associated with Centerstone or its team. No content of this website constitutes advice, an advertisement, an invitation, a confirmation, an offer or a solicitation, to buy or sell any security or other financial product or to engage in any investment activity, or an offer of any financial service either in this, or any other jurisdiction. This website (including any website or page linked to it) does not take into account the objectives or circumstances including financial situation or needs of any particular person, entity or organisation. Before acting on the information contained in this website, or making any decision you should make your own enquiries and seek professional advice as to whether any investment or other decision is appropriate in light of your own circumstances. Past performance of any product described on this site is not a reliable indication of future performance. The content of this website is not intended to be accessed by retail clients.


This website may contain references or links to other sites. Centerstone does not necessarily sponsor, endorse, or approve of any material on such sites or the operations of such sites and makes no warranties or representations regarding those sites.


Centerstone as copyright owner or licensee reserves all rights unless otherwise stated.



Privacy Policy




Centerstone understands the importance of protecting individuals’ rights to privacy. In handling personal information, Centerstone is subject to the Privacy Act 1988 as amended and complies with the thirteen Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. We have prepared this policy to help you understand in an open and transparent way how Centerstone will manage your personal information and how we aim to protect the integrity and security of personal information. The policy describes the way Centerstone collects, uses and discloses personal information and it provides information on your rights in relation to our management of that information. This policy may be updated from time to time. We will provide you with a copy of the policy on request free of charge. 

What information does Centerstone collect? 


Personal information means any information that can identify you. Unless required or authorised by law, Centerstone will not adopt, use or disclose government related identifiers. Generally, we or our agent will collect personal information, such as your name and contact details including home address and e-mail address; mandatory tax file number, ABN or exemption category; name of financial institution, BSB number, account number and account name. This information is necessary for us to provide our services to you and comply with statutory requirements. If you choose not to identify yourself or to use a pseudonym when dealing with Centerstone, then it may not be legal or practicable for us to provide our products or services in relation to a particular matter.

How is personal information collected and held? 


This will depend on how you interact with Centerstone or the products and services you request from us. Personal information is typically collected directly from you on completion of an application or registration form. The form will generally be part of, or be supplemented by, a product disclosure statement, information memorandum or other marketing materials. The form and/or supporting documents will provide details on:

  • how to contact us or our agent;

  • the purposes for which personal information is collected; 

  • if any information is collected from third parties;

  • the consequences if all or some of the personal information is not collected; 

  • details of who else may receive the information; 

  • how to access and correct the information collected; 

  • complaints procedures; and 

  • whether the information will be disclosed overseas and the countries of the recipients


Personal information may also be taken if you speak with our staff in relation to a particular matter such as in making a complaint. 

Mostly it will be unnecessary to collect personal information from other sources, such as from a publicly maintained record. In the event that your personal information is collected from a third party, we will take reasonable steps to inform you from whom, how and why the information was collected. Centerstone will, in relation to the receipt of unsolicited personal information, determine within a reasonable time whether it could have collected the information through established processes. If it could not have been so collected, we will, if it is lawful and reasonable to do so, securely destroy or de-identify the information. Where it is determined that the unsolicited information could have been collected in the normal way, it will be held and used by us in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 as amended. We will not collect sensitive information about you such as your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, health and genetic information. Centerstone does not collect any information when you access your account or adviser online through one of the secure areas of Centerstone’s website. Similarly, we do not collect information on website activity such as the number of visitors, or the number of pages viewed etc. 


Why we need your personal information 


Personal information is used for the main business or primary purpose for which it was collected: 

  • processing your application for investments; 

  • establishing your investment in a fund; and 

  • administering your investment. 


In some circumstances this information may be used by other Centerstone related entities. Other types of organisations to which Centerstone may disclose personal information include: 

  • your adviser and dealer group;

  • any third party service provider Centerstone may engage to provide custody, administration, technology, auditing, mailing, printing or other services;

  • government authorities when and to the extent required by law; and 

  • Centerstone’s professional advisers (including legal and accounting firms, auditors, consultants and other advisers). Such disclosure will only be done with your consent. 


We may use or disclose your personal information for direct marketing if:

  • you have consented to its use for this purpose; or 

  • you would have a reasonable expectation that your information will be used for direct marketing; and 

  • we provide you with the opportunity to ‘opt out’ of receiving direct marketing communications. 


Centerstone may, in circumstances that align with its main business purpose, use or disclose your personal information outside of your State or Territory and/or outside of Australia. We will obtain your consent before this occurs. We will not use or disclose your personal information for another purpose unless you consent to its use or disclosure for that purpose. 


Accessing and correcting information held about you 


Centerstone will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, up-to-date, complete and relevant for the purpose of its use or disclosure. You have the right to examine the personal information we collect and hold about you. If at any time you would like to access or correct your details, please contact our Compliance Manager at: 

Centerstone Capital Pty Ltd

6/2 Kings Lane

Darlinghurst NSW 2010



If you want to change your personal details held by Centerstone, please let us know in writing. 


Centerstone has in place procedures to properly consider and deal with any concern or dispute that you have with our privacy practices in the collection, storage, disclosure, integrity or security of your personal information. If you have a complaint, contact our Compliance Manager at: 

Centerstone Capital Pty Ltd

6/2 Kings Lane

Darlinghurst NSW 2010



The Compliance Manager will deal with your complaint confidentially and endeavour to acknowledge receipt in writing within two business days of receiving the complaint. We will try to resolve all issues within a maximum of 45 days of receipt, but in a shorter period if possible. If it is impossible to substantially respond to your complaint within 45 calendar days, you will, before the end of that period, be: 

  • informed of the reasons for the delay; 

  • advised of your right to complain to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA); and;

  • be provided with the contact details of the AFCA. 


In the event you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority:

If you choose not to identify yourself or to use a pseudonym when dealing with Centerstone in relation to a privacy complaint, then it may be impracticable for us to investigate and resolve the complaint. 


Changes to this policy 

Centerstone reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time. We will notify any changes by posting an updated version of the policy on our website at


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